Our Services

01 Coaching

We provide Executive level coaching in Collaborative Negotiation and Conflict Management. From short masterclass sessions to immersive multi-day experiences we design the right programme for your teams needs. Transforming the mode of negotiation for your organisation and refining the skills and expertise of your most critical staff - those who make it happen.

02 Consultation

We provide focused, expert consultation services to help you and your teams prepare for critical negotiations. When an important negotiation is pending, we work with your team to prepare thoroughly and explore all potential options, developing a clear strategy and plan. Through analysis and roleplay we get you ready for a successful, aligned outcome.

03 Connection

We operate globally and utilise cutting-edge VR technology to provide tailored workshops without borders. We are pioneering the use of VR technology in ensuring that location and travel time are no barrier to great experiences. For dispersed teams, micro-negotiations using VR headsets enable a "really there" feel. Bring in simultaneous translation and multi-channel support for a new and fresh way to engage.

04 Creation

We simulate a wide range of negotiations to create the right "negotiation lab" for your business preparations. No matter what the nature of your negotiation - whether internal or external, we work with you to simulate conditions that make it as real as possible whilst maintaining a safe and confidential space in which to learn. Through our extensive networks we can brief complex panels of experts who can play the roles central to your negotiation


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